Thank you for your interest in learning more about Rosh Pina! If you have a question that was not answered here, or if you would like additional information about Rosh Pina, please feel free to email the Vaad at
- What is Rosh Pina?
Rosh Pina is an inclusive and friendly lay-led minyan located in Washington, DC. We met for the first time in June 2007 for Friday night services, and currently hold Shabbat morning services twice per month, as well as other programming throughout the year. Rosh Pina is a partnership minyan, meaning that we are committed to providing expanded ritual and leadership roles for women within the bounds of halakha. As an independent minyan, we both welcome and rely on the participation and input of everyone who attends our services, and we strive to be a community in which all of our congregants, both men and women, feel comfortable taking part in our services and events to the fullest extent possible. - How often does Rosh Pina meet?
We meet for Shabbat morning services on the second and fourth Saturday of each month. These services take place in the Dupont Circle neighborhood of Washington DC and begin at 9:15 am.In addition to Shabbat morning services, Rosh Pina also holds Friday night services about once a month, and meets for some chagim as well as social events and other programming throughout the year. For details on when and where we are meeting for Friday nights, chagim and other special events, please check our website or Facebook page. We also encourage everyone to sign up for our weekly email announcements, so that you can stay up-to-date on everything we have going on. To subscribe to our weekly email, please see the home page of this site. - What should I expect at Rosh Pina’s Shabbat morning services?
Our Shabbat morning services take place on the second and fourth Shabbat of each month and begin at 9:15 AM.We count a minyan as 10 men. However, in the spirit of greater inclusion, we encourage both men and women to come on time. Our mechitzah runs down the center of the room so that the men’s and women’s sections are side by side. We use Orthodox liturgy and provide Koren and Rinat Yisrael siddurim and Hertz chumashim. Women lead Pesukei D’Zimrah and the Torah Service, and men shacharit and mussaf. Both men and women receive aliyot and lein from the Torah. If you are interested in leining or leading davening, please email the gabbais at If you are interested in learning how to lead davening or lein, please let any of the gabbais know, or email - What services does Rosh Pina provide for visitors and new members of the community?
We are always happy to welcome visitors, summer interns, those who just moved to DC, those who have lived here for years but never made it to Rosh Pina, and other new faces. Everyone is encouraged to email to be set up at a Shabbat lunch or dinner, which is a great way to both add enjoyment to your Shabbat and make new friends within the community.
We are also happy to meet up with new members of the community to chat about Rosh Pina and answer any questions you may have over coffee or tea. Please email if you are interested in this opportunity.
Members of Rosh Pina’s leadership and other members of the community make an effort to introduce themselves to new faces after shul and after events, but please also feel free to introduce yourselves to us! In addition, visitors and new community members are encouraged to email with any questions and/or just to say hello. - How can I get more involved in Rosh Pina?
Rosh Pina is a small community that relies on the generous inputs of our many dedicated volunteers. Please see our Volunteer page for specific information on how Rosh Pina functions and how to get involved in a way that works for you. - How do I sponsor Kiddush?
To sponsor Kiddush in recognition of a simcha, yartzeit, or other event (or for no special reason at all), please email the Kiddush Committee at Please include your name, the reason you are sponsoring kiddush, whether you would like to sponsor at the basic ($85) or deluxe ($150) level, and any special requests. - How do I become a member?
We are so glad you are interested in becoming a member of Rosh Pina! By becoming a member, you will help ensure that this community continues to grow, and you will also be entitled to certain tangible benefits, such as reduced rates for meals and special events. Our Annual Appeal begins each year prior to the High Holidays, but you can become a member at any point during the year. To become a member of Rosh Pina, click here. If you have any questions related to membership and donations, do not hesitate to email the Vaad confidentially. - What does Rosh Pina do with the donations it receives?
Every donation that we receive helps to ensure Rosh Pina’s continued existence and success. Most of these donations go towards covering our major expenses, which include renting space for davening, sponsoring kiddush in the absence of other sponsors, providing learning opportunities, and helping to cover the cost of food and supplies needed for our own and community-wide events. If you are interested in sponsoring a specific event or item(s), please email the Vaad at
- How can I include an announcement in Rosh Pina’s weekly email?
Rosh Pina is happy to include announcements of general community interest in our weekly email announcements. If you would like an event, simcha, or anything else listed in our weekly announcements, please email Please note that we only list announcements of general community interest, and do not list housing announcements or other personal-interest items. To sign up for our weekly email, please see our home page. - I’m interested in attending, but would like more information about Rosh Pina’s model of services. Where can I look for more information?
While practices vary at different partnership minyanim, these communities share a commitment to maximizing women’s participation in their services while following halakha. More information about the halakhic basis for partnership minyanim can be found on the Darkei Noam site, where there are a number of links to sources discussing the basis for this system.
- What is Rosh Pina?