Purim 2015!

Join Rosh Pina for a snappy but fun megillah reading on Purim morning, March 5, 7 am at the Hamilton House (1255 New Hampshire Ave., NW). Come on time so you don’t miss anything and we can finish by 8:30. There will be BAGELS. And COFFEE!!

Bring your money for matanot l’evyonim; as we did last year, half of what we collect will be donated to Miriam’s Kitchen to benefit our neighbors and half to Yad Ezrah to benefit Jews in Jerusalem on Shushan Purim.

Sources about partnership minyanim

The structure of Rosh Pina is based largely on the work of Rabbi Mendel Shapiro and R. Daniel Sperber.  This list of sources is illustrative, and in no way exhaustive.

The article by Rabbi Henkin is included to provide a thorough discussion of varying halakhic perspectives.


R. Sperber — Congregational Dignity and Human Dignity (pdf)

R. Shapiro — Qeriat Hatorah by women (pdf)

R. Henkin — Qeriat Hatorah by women-response to Shapiro (pdf)

R. Shapiro — Shapiro’s Response to Henkin (pdf)


R. Wimpfheimer —  Rabbi May I? Taking Responsibility for Psak in a Post-Feminist Age (pdf)