July 11 – Scholar in Residence

UPDATE: Registration is now closed.
UPDATE 2: Due to unforeseen circumstances, our Scholar in Residence is not able to come to DC this weekend.

Join Rosh Pina following services on Shabbat morning, July 11, for a community lunch with Scholar in Residence Lila Kagedan. Lila will be teaching on the topic of Judaism and Bioethics.

The cost of lunch will be $12 for members and $15 for non-members. Register below by July 8. Babysitting will be available. Email the vaad to sign your child(ren) up.

Rabbi Lila Kagedan (Rav Lila Kagedan in Hebrew) is a consultant, lecturer, activist and educator in the areas of global health, ethics, religion and education and is a student at Harvard University. She was a Hadassah Brandeis Institute-Gender, Culture, Religion and Law Research Associate. Lila is a clinical ethicist and chaplain and is currently completing the Jerusalem Rabbinate ordination tests privately. She is a halachic resource to a variety of religious institutions. She was ordained in 2015 by the Orthodox Rabbinical School for women Yeshivat Maharat.

Lila has consulted for several  NGOs, health care centers and academic institutions and has lectured widely while also working in clinical environments. She has taught Talmud, ethics and Jewish studies in a variety of formal and non-formal settings and has written extensively on medicine and Jewish law, Jewish Ethics as well as on topics relating to women and Judaism/Jewish practice. Lila is the founder of the Sulam School and  holds degrees and certificates from Midreshet  Lindenbaum, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, The University of Toronto, Harvard University, The Medstar Washington Hospital Center and Massachusetts General Hospital. She will be accepting a pulpit position upon graduation as well as continuing her clinical and academic pursuits.


Join us for ma’ariv, dinner, and learning from two community members on the first night of Shavuot. We will be meeting in the ballroom of the Chastleton.

Sign up now! Dinner is $5, and we ask that you help us out by committing to volunteer.

UPDATE MAY 20: Registration for dinner is now closed. We hope to see you Saturday night for davening and learning!

April 25 – Community Lunch

Join Rosh Pina following services on Shabbat morning, April 25, for a community lunch.

The cost of lunch will be $12 for members and $15 for non-members. Register below.

UPDATE April 23, 8:45 am: Registration for lunch is now closed. Email the vaad (info at roshpinadc.org) if you would still like to attend.


Purim 2015!

Join Rosh Pina for a snappy but fun megillah reading on Purim morning, March 5, 7 am at the Hamilton House (1255 New Hampshire Ave., NW). Come on time so you don’t miss anything and we can finish by 8:30. There will be BAGELS. And COFFEE!!

Bring your money for matanot l’evyonim; as we did last year, half of what we collect will be donated to Miriam’s Kitchen to benefit our neighbors and half to Yad Ezrah to benefit Jews in Jerusalem on Shushan Purim.

November 23: Women’s Rosh Chodesh Yoga

Join the National Capital Mikvah for a women’s Rosh Chodesh stress-busting yoga class, taught by Ayelet Krieger, a certified yoga instructor. Bring in the month of Kislev with mindfulness and a sense of relaxation.

Date/Location: Sunday, November 23 at 11am in the Chastleton ballroom (1701 16th Street, NW). All women at all levels are welcome, no experience necessary! Please email dcmikvahtreas@gmail.com to sign up or for sponsorship opportunities.

About Ayelet
Ayelet Krieger, MPsy, RYT
Through years of practicing and teaching yoga, Ayelet brings a great love and deep knowledge of its teachings to her students. Fusing the systems of Yoga Works, in which she earned her 200-hour teacher certification, and Prana Flow, in which she is currently pursuing her 300-hour advanced teacher certification, Ayelet’s classes offer fluid and mindful movement. She is also an Integrative Restoration Institute Level I certified teacher of Yoga Nidra, a form of guided meditation that offers skills that calm the central nervous system and release negative emotions and thought patterns. Additionally, Ayelet is a certified Prenatal Yoga teacher through Tranquil Space Yoga Studio.

When not on her mat, Ayelet is completing her doctorate in clinical psychology at George Washington University. Though she works with a range of clients and clinical issues, Ayelet’s particular interests include integrating mindfulness with psychotherapy in coping with physical and/or medical challenges, depression, stress and anxiety, grief, trauma, eating disorders, and substance abuse. Ayelet’s work in psychology complements her yoga teachings, as she is interested in nurturing the relationship between heart, body, and mind– exploring how each can help to heal the other. For more information, please visit her website at www.ayeletyoga.com.

October 31 – Minyan Balagan

Sponsored by Rosh Pina

Friday Night, October 31st at 6 pm
2022 Columbia Road NW (Community Room)

Rosh Pina is excited to announce/sponsor Minyan Balagan: a family/child friendly Friday night davening. Minyan Balagan will meet on the Friday night of the first week of each month.

While all are welcome, Minyan Balagan’s goal is to create a space where families can bring their kids and not worry — too much — about their volume and encourage them to participate in a spirited davening.

Minyan Balagan was started as an experiment last year independently from Rosh Pina and served as a great opportunity for parents (and non-parents) to enjoy davening and have their kids participate in Kabbalat Shabbat. We are excited to sponsor Minyan Balagan and, hopefully, expand its reach.

For those interested, davening will be followed by a dinner (details to be announced).

If you have questions or are interested in attending, helping, or joining for dinner please contact Justin Rubin.

Minyan Balagan is part of a larger effort by Rosh Pina to reach out to and create options for families. If you are interested in contributing to children’s and family programming at Rosh Pina, please contact the vaad.

November 8 – Scholar-in-Residence Sara Labaton

Join Rosh Pina on Shabbat morning, November 8, for a Lunch and Learn with scholar-in-residence Sara Labaton. Sara is currently completing a doctorate in Jewish Studies at NYU.  Her research focuses on Abraham ibn Ezra’s interpretation of the Tabernacle and cultic sacrifice and the use of esotericism in his biblical commentaries.  Sara was one of the founding faculty members of Yeshivat Hadar and currently lives on the Jersey Shore with her family. Sara will be teaching on “Conflict between Ritual and Ethics in Jewish Texts and Thought.”

As modern Jews, we often struggle with achieving balance between our ritual lives and our ethical lives. The question of how these two core components of Judaism relate to one another is not a new one. In fact, the Bible itself presents numerous possibilities for understanding the complex relationship between rituals and ethics. Please join us as we examine different biblical and post-biblical perspectives on the role of ritual and ethics in Judaism. From the prophet Amos to the Talmud and from Nahmanides to Chacham Ovadia Yosef, we will grapple with this age-old problem and think about the ways it resonates for us today.

Sara will also give a d’var torah during davening.

Parents! We will be providing free baby-sitting during the lunch and learn. Email the vaad to sign your kids up.

UPDATE: NOVEMBER 4. We have reached capacity. We will no longer be accepting registration for lunch.

Torah, Torah, Torah! Simchat Torah at Rosh Pina

Chag sameach! Please join us this Friday, October 17, at 9am for Simchat Torah services.


  1. Free lunch!
  2. Convenient location at the Chastleton, only one block north of the JCC. (1701 16th Street, NW)
  3. Energetic yet efficient hakafot.
  4. Celebrating some of our behind-the-scenes stalwarts as Chatan Torah and Kallat Bereshit.

We thank Chellie and Yankee Wilensky for their sponsorship of lunch in honor of the community.

September 13: Welcome Lunch

Join Rosh Pina after services on September 13 for a community lunch to welcome new members and celebrate the beginning of the year together. To sign up, please fill out the form below and then pay as appropriate. Note that the form (“Submit”) and payment (“Select”) are two separate processes.

UPDATE September 11: sign-ups for lunch are now closed.