About Rosh Pina

Rosh Pina meets indoors in the Dupont Circle neighborhood of Washington DC. Please subscribe to our weekly newsletter or email info@roshpinadc.org for our most up-to-date scheduling information and location.

Rosh Pina is a dati community built around a common commitment to halakha, tefilla, and equality.  Rosh Pina is inspired by similar communities in Jerusalem (Shira Hadasha), New York (Darkhei Noam) and other cities around the world.

Become a member for 2024-2025

On shabbat mornings, men lead shacharit and musaf, and women lead pesukei d’zimra and the torah service.  Both women and men receive aliyot and lein from the torah.

The mechitza at Rosh Pina runs down the middle of the room, so that the men’s and women’s sections are side by side. In the spirit of greater inclusion in our kehilla, we ask both men and women to arrive on time for tefillot.

To subscribe to our weekly email announcements, please use the sign up on this site or email info@roshpinadc.org.